11/24/2021 - CDC Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination (Updated)
4/30/2021 - UC Letter to DOS and DHS Supporting International Students and Scholars
4/30/2021 - A Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry - India
1/26/2021 - COVID-19 Testing Required for U.S. Entry (No longer Required)
9/25/2020 - DHS Proposed Rule to Eliminate Duration of Status (D/S)
7/14/2020 - Rescinded: July 6th Policy Directive for Nonimmigrant Students
5/24/2020 - Presidential Proclamation on COVID-19 Travel
10/11/2019 - Final Rules on Public Charge Determinations - UPDATED
08/09/2018 - Accrual of Unlawful Presence and F, J, and M Nonimmigrants
10/9/2017 - Suspension of U.S. Non-Immigrant Visa Services in Turkey