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J-1 Exchange Visitor Skills List: Department of State Update

As of December 9th, 2024, the U.S. Department of State has updated the U.S. Exchange Visitor Skills list for the first time since 2009. This change will impact current and in-coming J-1 exchange visitors who are/will be subject to the 212(e) Two-Year home residency requirement based on the exchange visitor skills list. Many countries have been removed from the J-1 Exchange Visitor Skills list. J-1 exchange visitors who were subject to the two-year home residency requirement at the time of their admission or acquisition of J status based on a previous Skills List, are no longer subject to that requirement if their home country has been removed and no longer on the Skills list. If a J-1 exchange visitor is subject to the requirement based on another reason (government funding, ECFMG), then the requirement will remain.

More information: 

U.S. Department of State Media Note: Modernization of the Exchange Visitor Skills List.


U.S. Department of State – Federal Register: Notice of Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List.


WR Immigration: Department of State Revised Exchange Visitor Skills List Update Frequently Asked Questions.


Contact for any additonal questions.